Mercy Manna Global provides education to many children in hopes of brightening their futures & careers
There are No free Public Schools in Liberia. Approximately 60-70% of Liberian children are not in school due to abject poverty. Most children are not going to school because their parents have no income to pay the tuition. Many become bread winners for their household due to poverty. These children sell items in the streets daily to help put food on the table..
Education Scholarship Program (Village children)
Presently, Mercy Manna, has over 150 children from the neighboring village attending their Pre-K through 12th grade school. The majority of their parents cannot afford to pay the fee to attend but they come anyway because founder and pastor, Wilmot Yalartai does not have the heart to turn the children away even though it costs the school to hire teachers and buy supplies. We have room in our school to educate 200 children but are unable to pay teachers and provide school supplies without help. The name, photo, gender, age, academic progress report and email for a child will be provided. to education sponsors.($25/Mo.)